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  • 11/2024:  ARC DP25 success allows to work on hydrogen storage materials and boron based nanomaterials.


  • 10/2024:  Strategic Research Accelerator success at UTS allows us to develop green hydrogen and green nitrite/nitrate production at room temperature. 


  • 9/2024: The 3rd JACKS hydrogen forum at Jeju Island, a great platform to learn policies, technologies, demos, etc related to hydrogen economy. 


  • 03/2023 UTS Vice-Chancellor's Awards for Research Excellence: Research Leadership and Development Award













  • 24/03/2022 CRC-P success : Z. Huang, K. Khalilpour – CRC-P (Total project cost is $4.725M, UTS receive $1.2 M) Project: Production of affordable sodium borohydride (NaBH4) as a hydrogen carrier


  • 24/12/2022 ARC DP success: Z. Huang, H. Yu, ARC DP ($460K) Project: Novel hydrogen-rich liquids for storing and transporting hydrogen at scale


  • 19/08/2021 JACKS hydrogen forum. UTS is organising a mini-forum involving experts on hydrogen from Japan, Australia, China, Korea, Singapore (JACKS). The close geographic connections and strong ties in energy business lay a solid foundation for these countries to work together to establish a hydrogen economy that benefits our society economically and environmentally.

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  • 18/08/2021 Western Sydney Hydrogen Hub (WSH2). UTS is leading research into assessing the feasibility of establishing a Western Sydney Hydrogen Hub (WSH2) at Sydney Science Park.



  • 12/12/2020 What a challenging year! Deeply grateful for all the support from colleagues and collaborators ! Heartfelt congratulations on the efforts & achievements by the students! Stay positive and persistent in 2021! Another year to be full of contests between will and win!


  • 17/10/2019 Dr Huang was awarded Future Fellowships by the Australian Research Council. Congratulations !


  • 19/09/2019 Launch of Hydrogen Energy Program @ UTS. Prof Glenn Wightwick, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Technology Sydney delivered the Opening Remarks! We are very honoured to have guests from Woodside Energy, Siemens, BOC, Jemena, NSW Statement Government, GHD, CSIRO, ANT, etc.
















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  • 1/11/2018. Renewable Hydrogen FutureWe are so honoured to have speakers from US DOE Office, Woodside Energy, Hyundai, ARENA, Linde, Siemens, CRC Futurefuels, Department of the Environment and Energy, Hydrogen Mobility Australia. The Provost Prof Andrew Parfitt delivered Opening Remarks!


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  • 13/06/2018 A contract signed with KOGAS on Liquid-Phase Hydrogen Carriers.

  • 04/2018. Dr Huang has been awarded SCIAS Fellow, Siebold-Collegium Institute for Advanced Studies, Germany   

​ â€‹BEST program is now established at UTS.

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  • ​07/2017  Dr. Zhenguo Huang delivered an invited talk at 16th International Meeting on Boron Chemistry (started in 1971) in Hong Kong. Jian Hong shows off some of his PhD work. 

  • 05/2017  Dr. Zhenguo Huang visited Prof. Thomas Greber's (Science, 303, 217(2004); Nature 354, 226 (2017)) lab at Uni. Zurich. This visit is sponsored by Swiss NSF! 

  • Majhar Khan won ISEM 2016 Postgraduate Student Best Paper Award for his publication: Atomically thin hexagonal boron nitride nanofilm for Cu protection: The importance of film perfection”, Advanced Materials, DOI: 10.1002/adma.201603937, which is highlighted by Nature.

  • 4/2017    Dr. Zhenguo Huang was appointed as Research Advisor appointed by the National Institute of Materials Science (NIMS), Japan. 

  • 08/2016  Dr. Zhenguo Huang won Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in Research Commercialisation, Impact and Engagement, University of Wollongong.


  •  11/2015 The Vice President, Marketing and R&D of U.S. Borax, Keith Sperring, visited the BEST Lab at UOW. Borax is the world leader in borate technology. The company awarded a project for the Lab to study "Boron treated graphite for high-performance Li-ion batteries"

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